Growing with Social Media

If your organization hasn’t gone social yet,  you might want to rethink that strategy. Online is where your customers spend their time, share content and make buying decisions. If you are still skeptical about growing your organization with social media, here are 10 ways social media marketing can help grow your business:

1. Increases Brand Awareness – Social media allows businesses to have a global reach…at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.  According to the website B2C, 78% of small business that use social media marketing have increased brand awareness and new customer generation

2. Generates Leads at Minimum Costs – Businesses can now advertise with Facebook Ads and Twitter Ads a lot cheaper than what traditional advertising costs like tv commercials and newspaper ads. When creating ads on social media, you can get specific on who you want your ad messages to reach based on their demographics and what they like, allowing you to get in front of your target market.  You’ll hear their needs and be able to connect with people talking about a service you provide. Join the conversation and use the opportunity to sell your service/product.

3. Increases Website Traffic and Search Ranking – Social media is a useful tool to cross promote and lead customers to your website, therefore gaining more site traffic and search results.

4. Gives You Great Audience Insight – Social media is an easy way to learn about your audience. Facebook analytics is a great tool to tell you a lot about your current fans, such as their age, gender, when they’re online, what posts they engaged with most, and more.  

5. Boosts Content Marketing –  Content marketing is the creation and sharing of valuable information in order to acquire and retain customers. Social media allows users to share your content easier and faster. So create content your customers want, tell your story, take a picture or video and captivate your audience.

6. Provide good customer service –  Search for your name on all social networks to see what your customers are saying about you and your products and services.  This is a great way to understand what your audience finds interesting, and if you are solving problems appropriately.

7. Increases Sales – Consumers are researching brands online before they purchase, so you better be there.  According to Ballihoo, 63% of consumers online will engage with a particular brand if they find more info about them on social media.  But it’s important to remember not to be to “selly or pushy”.  Instead, PULL your audience in with valuable content.

8. Improves Brand Loyalty – Social media marketing allows organizations to create meaningful relationships with customers. Loyal customers and brand ambassadors are born through engagement.  According to, 42% of people have mentioned a brand in a facebook status update.  Has yours been mentioned?

9. Establish your Brands Expertise by regularly sharing content from the best in your industry or writing blog posts for your business.  This will enhance your credibility and gain the peoples trust.

10. Get a Competitive Edge – Follow your competitors on their social media pages.  See what’s working for them and put your own spin on it.

In order to stay competitive and continue to grow, include social media in your marketing strategy to create brand awareness and turn online relationships into sales.

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